Alumni Association


Greetings fellow Bobcats,

This will be my last note as President of the Frostburg State University Alumni Association Board of Directors, as my term has come to an end. Exciting things continue to take place at our alma mater! In July, the University is transitioning the Alumni Association Board of Directors into the Alumni Advisory Council to allow for more flexibility and greater participation from the alumni population throughout the year. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as president for the past three years. A big thank you to all our directors for their work throughout the year, whether it was helping to coordinate or attend events, networking with other alumni or students, sharing information on social media, and so much more. The Board and I take great pride in representing the more than 46,000 Bobcat alumni. Our campus continues to grow, and we hope you will visit when you can to see the many changes for yourself.

A very special thank you to Shannon Gribble '98, Director of Alumni & Donor Relations, for all her dedicated work on behalf of our alumni, from organizing events for alumni enjoyment and networking, to holding numerous events on campus. She works tirelessly on behalf of all alumni. She will continue to need your support throughout the year. I encourage you to volunteer for events, be a mentor to a student, or contact Shannon at 301-687-4068 or to discuss other ways to get involved.

The Office of Alumni Relations continues to find ways to conserve resources, and they need your help! Make sure they have your preferred email on file and follow the Frostburg State University Alumni Association on Facebook, X, and Instagram. You can help verify your email address by clicking HERE. They want to keep us up to date on things happening at FSU.

SAVE THE DATE for Homecoming 2024 and join us October 17-20! We hope to see you there or at a variety of other events throughout the year.

With Bobcat Pride,

Joe Lambert '79
President, Alumni Association Board of Directors

Joe Lambert with President Nowaczyk


FSU Alumni Association Mission

The purpose of the Association shall be to unite graduates, former students, and friends of FSU for mutual benefit and to promote the welfare and advance the interests of FSU.

Office of Alumni Relations
Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg MD 21532

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